Do you need your own domain name?
Do you need your own domain name?
by Karen Blomerus
Should a domain name be unique? A Domain Name is a unique address for your website's contents. This address is called an IP address. An IP address is made up of a series of numbers, however a domain name is used instead of an IP address because most people find it easier to remember a name rather than a number. When visitors on the internet use your domain name they will be directed to your website. Once you have successfully registered a domain name you can do the following with your domain name:
1. YOU CAN SELL IT - YOUR DOMAIN NAME IS A GREAT INVESTMENT If you are not using your domain name someone else might want to buy it from you.
2. YOU CAN PROTECT YOUR BRAND ONLINE a) You can register many domain names and so prevent others from registering a similar domain name than the ones you have registered.
b) You can forward all your registered domain names to your main domain name.
3. YOU CAN HOLD ONTO YOUR DOMAIN NAME You do not have to rush to decide what you want to do with your domain name. You can park your domain name for the length of your registration with the Hosting Company from which you bought your domain name.
1. TOP-LEVEL DOMAIN NAME (TLD) a) a Top-level domain name is the part of the domain name following the name that you chose for example: .com .net .org or .biz .info .name and .ws These names have a certain guideline but are available to any registrant anywhere in the world.
b) There are restricted top-level domains that require the registrant to represent a certain entity type i.e. .edu for education entities and .museum for the museum entity.etc.
c) Country code top-level domains are for a particular geographic location of the registrant i.e. .bz for Belize, .ca for Canada, .uk for United Kingdom etc.
It is not easy to find a good .com domain name as all the good ones are already taken however try to persevere and find a domain name that describes the essence of your website's main concept. Although a .com domain name is very popular you do not only need to register a .com for example should your business or organization be information orientated a .info domain name will be suitable.
2. SECOND -LEVEL DOMAIN NAMES (SDL) a Second-level domain name is the part of the domain name that the registrant defines, usually the name of the organization , business or entity for example : - africa is the second-level domain name.
You register your domain name with a registrar approved by ICANN - ICANN is an abbreviation for Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and numbers. It is important to bear in mind that if you wish to register a domain name for your e-commerce site that you choose a domain name that reflects the nature of you business closely. Try to stay clear of a domain name that do not reflect or describe the nature of your business or organization. A domain name that is easily remembered is always a plus. Try to keep your domain name short.
You have to buy your domain name through the particular Hosting Company of your choice. It is always important to choose a Hosting Company that automatically renew or send you a reminder of the date of renewal of your registration. You do not want your domain name registration to expire and be in danger to be grabbed by somebody else.
This article is written by Your Christian Domain and Hosting Registrar
About the Author
Karen is the CEO of Christian Hosting Plaza and is a senior computer instructor at an computer training college.
by Karen Blomerus
Should a domain name be unique? A Domain Name is a unique address for your website's contents. This address is called an IP address. An IP address is made up of a series of numbers, however a domain name is used instead of an IP address because most people find it easier to remember a name rather than a number. When visitors on the internet use your domain name they will be directed to your website. Once you have successfully registered a domain name you can do the following with your domain name:
1. YOU CAN SELL IT - YOUR DOMAIN NAME IS A GREAT INVESTMENT If you are not using your domain name someone else might want to buy it from you.
2. YOU CAN PROTECT YOUR BRAND ONLINE a) You can register many domain names and so prevent others from registering a similar domain name than the ones you have registered.
b) You can forward all your registered domain names to your main domain name.
3. YOU CAN HOLD ONTO YOUR DOMAIN NAME You do not have to rush to decide what you want to do with your domain name. You can park your domain name for the length of your registration with the Hosting Company from which you bought your domain name.
1. TOP-LEVEL DOMAIN NAME (TLD) a) a Top-level domain name is the part of the domain name following the name that you chose for example: .com .net .org or .biz .info .name and .ws These names have a certain guideline but are available to any registrant anywhere in the world.
b) There are restricted top-level domains that require the registrant to represent a certain entity type i.e. .edu for education entities and .museum for the museum entity.etc.
c) Country code top-level domains are for a particular geographic location of the registrant i.e. .bz for Belize, .ca for Canada, .uk for United Kingdom etc.
It is not easy to find a good .com domain name as all the good ones are already taken however try to persevere and find a domain name that describes the essence of your website's main concept. Although a .com domain name is very popular you do not only need to register a .com for example should your business or organization be information orientated a .info domain name will be suitable.
2. SECOND -LEVEL DOMAIN NAMES (SDL) a Second-level domain name is the part of the domain name that the registrant defines, usually the name of the organization , business or entity for example : - africa is the second-level domain name.
You register your domain name with a registrar approved by ICANN - ICANN is an abbreviation for Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and numbers. It is important to bear in mind that if you wish to register a domain name for your e-commerce site that you choose a domain name that reflects the nature of you business closely. Try to stay clear of a domain name that do not reflect or describe the nature of your business or organization. A domain name that is easily remembered is always a plus. Try to keep your domain name short.
You have to buy your domain name through the particular Hosting Company of your choice. It is always important to choose a Hosting Company that automatically renew or send you a reminder of the date of renewal of your registration. You do not want your domain name registration to expire and be in danger to be grabbed by somebody else.
This article is written by Your Christian Domain and Hosting Registrar
About the Author
Karen is the CEO of Christian Hosting Plaza and is a senior computer instructor at an computer training college.
The Domain Name and all other extensions expired in 2007 and were not renewed again . The registrar wild west domains sold the domain name to a dirty company and unfortuanately the article WHAT IS A DOMAIN NAME still reflects Karen Blomerus as the CEO Of the Domain Name .I Karen Blomerus is not the CEO of the domain name since 2007.
Please note do not let your christian domain name Expire for the registrars sell it to anyone and these bad companies love buying expired christian domain names-as in my case of christian hostingplaza .com . they also hijack your articles you write for search engine optimization
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